190 Bowery – First Show, Last Show Exhibit.

Bowery Building

If you’re like me and frequent the LES section of manhattan, at some point you’ve come across the Germania Bank Building at 190 Bowery. Not everyone knows it by name, but it’s certainly hard to miss all the Graffiti and tags that drowned the walls making it a bit of a landmark in the area.

Up until this year, the mysterious building wouldn’t allow pedestrians to just walk in off the street. Infact, it’s been this way for about 49 years. Originally a Bank, it was eventually shut down and turned into a private residence, so you can see why this temporary reveal was a big deal for some.

As a joint effort between curator Vito Schnabel & Real Estate mogul, Aby Rosen, we were given a chance to look inside. Excerpts from the press release can be found below:

Vito Schnabel is pleased to announce the opening of First Show / Last Show, a group exhibition at 190 Bowery on May 16, 2015. Featured artists include Joe Bradley, Dan Colen, Jeff Elrod, Ron Gorchov, Mark Grotjahn, Harmony Korine, and Julian Schnabel.

“The artists included in First Show / Last Show are seven of my favorite painters. I have had the privilege of living with some of their works and have long wanted to show them together. There are very few artists whose work immediately conveys its significance, like each of these seven. They represent three generations of great American contemporary art, ranging in age from 35 to 85.”

The exhibit ran as a “RSVP ONLY” event from May 18th 2015 – May 29th 2015. I literally waited until the final day to stop by hoping to avoid a major crowd (Success!) I took as many photos as possible for those who couldn’t make it. The inside is a total 180 from what you see inside. It has certainly held up quite well over the years. The exhibit itself only covers 2 floors of the building but it’s certainly more than anyone has seen in quite some time. Enjoy 🙂

Visit the official site here: http://www.vitoschnabel.com